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File 14168069077.jpg - (415.04KB , 1088x1581 , ScoutPyroCommish.jpg )
1754 No. 1754
by MechaCockzilla on fumblr. Go buy some art from them!
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>> No. 1755
File 141680700266.jpg - (380.85KB , 1088x1581 , ScoutPyroCommish2.jpg )
...and the other way around.
>> No. 1756
I do wish they'd post their work here themselves, but I also think, on the other hand, that an unspoken requirement for commissioning someone is to promote their artwork when done, or at least put in a good word to promote them. So good on ya.

Literally my only complaint about this is the foreshortening on her vagina. It's up towards/located in her belly in the fingering pic. But everything else is fantastic-- clean lines, good detail on her burns, practical uniform, and admittedly bonus points for including some of my favorite misc. items (Madame Dixie!) and rare kinks (guys bottoming in het).

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