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File 129409251227.jpg - (36.11KB , 600x300 , killingfloor.jpg )
527 No. 527
So yeah, General discussion of this awesome zombie game.

I'm still fairly green at it myself, so any tips would be appreciated.
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>> No. 528
Loads of money!

I'm playing on beginner, because I'd otherwise be destroyed. I normally play on normal mode in games, but this one I can't without getting too pissed off. However, this helps since I can build up my perks until I feel like I'm ready to play on Normal.

A good tip is to be careful when you're backing up away from Zeds. They have a bad habit of sneaking up behind you.
>> No. 529
I'm fairly new at KF also and I play Field Medic pretty much exclusively. I've found what tends to go alright for me is to join random servers (usually high difficulty) and firmly attach to the players that seem to be doing the best, as I cannot survive without decent protection.

It's helped my survival skills a LOT. It's also helped my aim, as trying to nail people with the MP7M's darts is difficult at best.
>> No. 532
I've found I tend to heal people more when I'm playing a non-medic class than when I play medic. Sort of like playing Berserker with a bullpup to level up Commando.

Also, For fun, Throw cash at the Flesh Pound and see if people are dumb enough to try and get it.
>> No. 534
I like this game quite a bit. It's good to pick up, play a round with and then return to other business. Though I still tend to die a lot but I'm learning.
>> No. 538
Im feelin dumb now :I
>> No. 548
File 129446570652.jpg - (706.71KB , 1300x873 , loadsofmonee.jpg )
I love this game so much.
Level 4 Field medic reporting in, I also play a lot of Sharpshooter and am decent at the game so I have a couple tips but they might be ones you heard of before
Of course Number one is always stick together, in normal these guys'll tear you a new one if you're trying to take on multiple ones alone.

And a tip for the map KF_Manor:Never hold up inside said Manor, so much pain..so, so much pain. Holding up in the caves is definitely easier.
>> No. 550
i hate having to hole up anywhere
>just finished wave 10
>everyone goes into a house and starts welding doors
>"guys what are you doing, we should take him outside"
>attempt to argue but decide almost certain death inside is better than absolute scertain death outside by myself
>patriach comes. blows down the door in one fell swoop, catching everyone by suprise. everyone backs into to a corner
>minigun fire takes all but 2 of us in one fell swoop
>one tries to unweld a door, the other tries to get out the way patty came in
>both are mellee'd to death
>"somehow i told you so just doesn't quite say it"
>> No. 554
File 129451263999.png - (476.54KB , 901x853 , seal.png )
>play kf_arcade_gas_station on Long suicidal
>get to patriarch after barely surviving the waves
>Patriarch gets hit by the car and dies

Today is best day.
>> No. 560
File 129454830177.jpg - (116.64KB , 800x947 , wut us tuht028.jpg )
>> No. 564
>>leveling up Support
>>using Hunting Shotgun, really enjoy it
>>sell it for Tier 3 4000 pound shotgun
>>wtf the Tier 2 shotty is way better
>> No. 571
The AA12 is better once you actually get a few ranks in Support. IIRC the only weapon that out-damages the Hunting Shotgun at level 0 is the Crossbow, which can one-shot everything short of a Fleshpound. (depending on the difficulty, player count and Sharpshooter level of course)

And don't forge to set it to semi-auto for everything other than Scrakes/FPs/the Patriarch.
>> No. 587
same here, I usually just like to stay outside
also-quite literally cool story bro
>> No. 590
>but I fear getting kicked from servers just because I'm new. That happened to me before in Left 4 Dead.

What, really?
>> No. 591
Yep...the very first day I got Left 4 Dead, I followed a friend into a server where a versus game was going on. I was on the infected team, and I was trying to be useful, but they were being nasty to me. I mentioned that I was new, and then they kicked me.
>> No. 592
Well, You probably won't have that happen to you in KF unless you join a hard/suicidal server with a low level perk.
>> No. 594
>I fear getting kicked from servers just because I'm new

i doubt it. i've never seen a kick and i have played with some ree, really shit players. hell, one of them even admitted he didn't care enough to get his mouse out so he was playing on touch pad.

oh and grow a fucking pair. you're never gonna level up cowering in the corner
>> No. 600

I got yelled at so hard for being a lvl 4 medic in an suicidal map by just one guy. I usually play on hard-Hell on Earth difficulty as a medic, usually the only one. Anything I did, was wrong. Anything I didn't do, was retarded of me. I kept all 5 people up to the Patriarch as the only medic, and by then the rest of the team was ragging on me for being "such a scrub" despite none of them dying. Once Patri spawned, I couldn't take the BS anymore. I switched to my knife and ragequit. It was pretty immature, I know, but holy hell.
Thankfully, only bad experience I've had in KF yet.
>> No. 604
I like to think Killing floor is way more chill with beginners, I haven't had a really bad experience in KF yet myself, the Left 4 dead crowd can tend to be rowdy-er especially with versus.
and thank you very much for this link, it could be a lot of fun!
P.S-for when you do decide to play with other people I'd love to play KF with ya
>> No. 606
I'll take you up on that offer. My steam ID is http://steamcommunity.com/id/Invader_Fluff
>> No. 612
File 129496112631.gif - (37.57KB , 380x240 , 1252392677552.gif )
>Team holes up in one of the houses, leaving one door unwelded
>Patriarch comes in
>Our faces as the support specialist welds the door, trapping him inside with us
>> No. 616
My favorite has to be watching a level 0 support welding a cathedral door on west London, As I'm watching him I hear a faint
right before both the door and the level 0 explode.
>> No. 736
File 129677363754.jpg - (57.69KB , 246x244 , skelelol.jpg )
>playing on a ustom map whichis just a n open hilly square
>dicking around wit the grenade launcher
>shoot at a random angle at some zeds on the other side of the map
>watch as there are no zeds where the grenade is headind
>suddenly some lone commando has just pissed of a scrake
>scrake run into the grenades path
>hit it square in the fucking face
>zed time, bitches
>> No. 737
File 129679771397.gif - (456.85KB , 390x293 , 12836364192.gif )
Nice. Just nice.

I miss KF pretty bad, I'm not sure my computer can handle it with its 'built into the motherboard' video card since my old one burned out
>> No. 740
Get a one year old medium classed one for like thirty bucks and ROCK.
>> No. 741
File 129683642462.jpg - (91.84KB , 1024x800 , fuck you computer.jpg )
> join kf_filthscross [5/6]
>2 guys are still standing, only 4 zombies left and one of them dies.
>the other dude welds a door shut, with all the remaining zeds
>he welds
>and welds
>and welds
>someone finally asks him what the flying fuck he's doing, he could take the remaining zeds easily
>"need to get my weld points up lol"
>"but we want to get back to playing
>"theres plenty of other servers, go join one of them"

this went on for 15 minutes before he went afk and the door fell.
im not proud of the things i did out of spite on the next map
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