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File 136552871539.jpg - (85.63KB , 900x375 , Female_Team_Fortress_2_by_DesignIsi.jpg )
1540 No. 1540 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Dear god, why.
28 posts and 16 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1985
But it's a lady, she's not going to have broad shoulders.
>> No. 1987
File 145835411846.jpg - (41.32KB , 500x450 , bitchin' good hair.jpg )
While I agree Fem Solly would be more muscular, I don't think she'd have a buzz cut. Solly is super into AMERICA and AMERICAN VALUES so she'd have something slightly more feminine but still practical. A better fit would be what Peggy Carter wears and how women in WW2 styled themselves. And she'd wear lipstick made from the BLOOD OF COMMIES
>> No. 1990
File 145841109856.jpg - (365.00KB , 1037x1600 , le smoking ysl.jpg )
Here's some inspiration for genderbend spy. The Le Smoking suit came out in 1966 which is perfect for the time frame and was the first menswear for women.

File 144777512199.jpg - (826.52KB , 1014x832 , tumblr_nkprgghNKK1sirygdo1_1280.jpg )
1884 No. 1884 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
finally organized my tf2 folder, dumping good genderbends and f/f content
more f/f content and good genderbends would be much appreciated
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1886
File 144777569048.jpg - (261.61KB , 600x600 , 36321350_p26_master1200.jpg )
goddamn i forgot about the wordfilter
>> No. 1887
File 144777577274.jpg - (403.15KB , 547x697 , https%3A%2F%2F41_media_tumblr_com%2Fedcfca345aa92d.jpg )
>> No. 1889
File 144780771793.jpg - (296.42KB , 579x540 , 129716945995.jpg )
i cant believe i keep forgetting about the wordfilter

File 144667936745.png - (1.30MB , 952x1321 , dove and glasses2.png )
1865 No. 1865 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Finished this yesterday - how to improve? (where's the workshop)
>> No. 1867
Hiya Squidbreath, I'm RMD.

I'm fairly new, but word on the street is that the workshop board got deleted on account of people making more posts about whether they should post something there, rather than just straight-up posting. Now the case seems to be a person should just post wherever(not specifically wherever, but you seem like a veteran so you know) and whatever crit comes, comes! but anyway

You've got a very interesting and painterly style! It reminds me a lot of someone named Glitchedpuppet, except with acrylcis or some equivalent. What program do you use?

Speaking of painting, was this a speedpaint? I find it interesting how both Scout's and Medic's left hands have been simplified.

Ok but anyway, how to improve. Some points:
-I'm having trouble figuring out the room they are in? I see a stage type of object, but the vertical iron doughnut on the ground is throwing me off, is there some kind of small channel between the stage and the door?
-You made Archimedes a fantail pigeon! Aa! scuse me while I scream in joy. My one quip is that I can't seem to find the beak? So I can't tell if Archimedes is looking up and to the left, or down and to the right. I suppose either one works, but if it was important to the picture, I can't tell.
-Speaking of things I mistook for other things, I thought that Heavy was actually a stylized femscout in a baggy shirt for quite a while, whooops. S'all about conveyance! I'm under the impression that fem heavy is still enormous, but I had a heck of a time trying to both find and install a model of her. I did find a poster someone else (Unithelucario for ref, had trouble uploading picture but it's out there) did, and I'm assuming that they used the standard model. You could probably do well by widening your canvas and widening the shoulders. I went and got down on my hands and knees, and I get the impression that unless Heavy's shoulders are very pushed forward, there should be more clavicle and rib and whatnot there.
-As this is a predominately cool-colored painting, you could probably desaturate the saturated bits of He
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>> No. 1876
ah its so nice to see other people posting on this board (and f/f content too! excellent!)
I can give you some anatomical critique if you want
Heavy looks smaller than medic, when we all know that heavy's model is much larger
>> No. 1877
File 144735738267.png - (1.33MB , 952x1321 , redlines.png )
I don't normally do this but I did some red lines to show where you're off. At first I wasn't sure if it's because of the angle you're going for, but your medic's torso is too short. The average female is about 7-7.5 heads tall, whereas yours is only about 6 from the looks of it. The torso should be about 3 heads from the bottom of the chin to the bottom of the pubis. You need to lengthen the torso as well as the arms. I'm not sure if it's the perspective but they look a little short. The elbow should be at belly button level or where the natural waist is, and the tips of the fingers should hit at the upper to mid thigh.

I can't say much for the fem heavy but double check the anatomy just in case to make sure the proportions are right. I like the painterly style you're going for. Technically BLU medic's coat should be less saturated and more of an off-white than a bright blue, but I do like how it makes her appear like she's glowing. I like the expressions and atmosphere you've created. Keep up the good work, you just need to polish it.

File 138630065769.png - (102.76KB , 1055x1619 , 46yrhszrjynsryjstjyuytj.png )
1709 No. 1709 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
here have some boops,, yeah
11 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1731
It's okay either way. I'm sorry if I misgendered any of your characters. I like them either way. I've been following you for maybe three years on Tumbles and I'm just too shy to say anything to you on not-anon.

And yeah, I'm barely an A-cup, so those aren't quite bitty titties to me.
>> No. 1732
oh no, the first demolady was meant to be cis, ive drawn genderqueer feminine presenting demolady but i havent posted them here. and fem sniper is meant to be intersex dfab with a lot of secondary male traits? but she identifies as a a girl, and probably doesnt even know she isnt cis? considering the time period genital reconstructive surgery might have been done without one or either parents consent.

i rly meant for them to be small, but i guess i messed that up. also, ive been on fumblr for 3 years since about last august, so thats pretty weird. my art sucked back then, dude. you should talk to me off anon though. :- )) or on anon idk
>> No. 1831
speaking of queer headcanons, i've always imagined pyro as a trans lady. attitudes towards transgender people (especially women) at the time would be why the rest of the team calls her a "thing" and "freak" and misgenders her in meet the pyro

File 137945803591.png - (0.96MB , 881x844 , tf2_paulingsketch.png )
1691 No. 1691 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
13 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1765
Also, TotalWeirdo, thank you! You're awesome, and I love you.
>> No. 1768
File 142652167397.png - (1.28MB , 842x1000 , secretaryshipping.png )
Crackshipping the most competent characters I know. Good thing they're both way too busy to have kids, because they'd probably birth some kind of genius superbaby.
>> No. 1826
File 144405770278.jpg - (108.97KB , 640x566 , FullSizeRender (14).jpg )
Rough sketch of my OC with another RP'er, a Femsniper with red panda ears. I know I can push the pose and anatomy a bit more in the final.

File 136540535857.jpg - (616.55KB , 1616x1260 , pyros.jpg )
1537 No. 1537 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
This board seems pretty dead, but here, have some funtimes with het Pyros.
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1689
File 137931654067.jpg - (292.12KB , 563x864 , pyro pinups_female.jpg )
So I finally found the energy to finish these matching pinups I've had kicking around for a little while. Please to enjoy
>> No. 1690
>> No. 1774
But jengus it's delicious

File 142336116489.jpg - (751.30KB , 900x1440 , g.jpg )
1759 No. 1759 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Anyone have a DL link for the sexy anthro lamarr model?
>> No. 1762
This board's mostly TF2-specific SFM porn, so I don't think so, sorry.
>> No. 1763
This board's mostly TF2-specific SFM porn, so I don't think so, sorry.

File 14168069077.jpg - (415.04KB , 1088x1581 , ScoutPyroCommish.jpg )
1754 No. 1754 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
by MechaCockzilla on fumblr. Go buy some art from them!
>> No. 1755
File 141680700266.jpg - (380.85KB , 1088x1581 , ScoutPyroCommish2.jpg )
...and the other way around.
>> No. 1756
I do wish they'd post their work here themselves, but I also think, on the other hand, that an unspoken requirement for commissioning someone is to promote their artwork when done, or at least put in a good word to promote them. So good on ya.

Literally my only complaint about this is the foreshortening on her vagina. It's up towards/located in her belly in the fingering pic. But everything else is fantastic-- clean lines, good detail on her burns, practical uniform, and admittedly bonus points for including some of my favorite misc. items (Madame Dixie!) and rare kinks (guys bottoming in het).

File 131096090574.jpg - (680.45KB , 1000x1070 , fem medic and soldier.jpg )
772 No. 772 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
I draw a lot of genderbends too
74 posts and 39 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1686

Damnit Deers, stop curing the gays.
>> No. 1743
Has anyone told you your Snipette looks like Gretchen from Recess? Because she totally does. Have I ever told you I had a huge crush on Gretchen as a child?
>> No. 1744
Deers hasn't posted here in over a year. If Deers wants to revive their thread, that's fine, but don't bump it unless they do.

File 140424142815.jpg - (0.97MB , 3697x3117 , heavymedicline.jpg )
1741 No. 1741 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Heavy loves medic..doh.
>> No. 1742
File 140424330516.jpg - (563.78KB , 2894x2553 , medicclose2.jpg )
why so serius..or sad?

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