No. 1867
Hiya Squidbreath, I'm RMD.
I'm fairly new, but word on the street is that the workshop board got deleted on account of people making more posts about whether they should post something there, rather than just straight-up posting. Now the case seems to be a person should just post wherever(not specifically wherever, but you seem like a veteran so you know) and whatever crit comes, comes! but anyway
You've got a very interesting and painterly style! It reminds me a lot of someone named Glitchedpuppet, except with acrylcis or some equivalent. What program do you use?
Speaking of painting, was this a speedpaint? I find it interesting how both Scout's and Medic's left hands have been simplified.
Ok but anyway, how to improve. Some points:
-I'm having trouble figuring out the room they are in? I see a stage type of object, but the vertical iron doughnut on the ground is throwing me off, is there some kind of small channel between the stage and the door?
-You made Archimedes a fantail pigeon! Aa! scuse me while I scream in joy. My one quip is that I can't seem to find the beak? So I can't tell if Archimedes is looking up and to the left, or down and to the right. I suppose either one works, but if it was important to the picture, I can't tell.
-Speaking of things I mistook for other things, I thought that Heavy was actually a stylized femscout in a baggy shirt for quite a while, whooops. S'all about conveyance! I'm under the impression that fem heavy is still enormous, but I had a heck of a time trying to both find and install a model of her. I did find a poster someone else (Unithelucario for ref, had trouble uploading picture but it's out there) did, and I'm assuming that they used the standard model. You could probably do well by widening your canvas and widening the shoulders. I went and got down on my hands and knees, and I get the impression that unless Heavy's shoulders are very pushed forward, there should be more clavicle and rib and whatnot there.
-As this is a predominately cool-colored painting, you could probably desaturate the saturated bits of He
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