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>>11 That's all interesting stuff to think about! I couldn't have worked it through that deeply myself. And... that's all the response I have. Thank you, I'll try and learn my brain with the idea that pain can be swayed by expectation.

- I worked on it sporadically over the course of a couple months but the end I only read through twice... on the same day. Good idea. Now that I look back on it that's kind of obvious to me too, and I'll probably fix this (and other stuff) if I ever archive it somewhere.
- This statement worries me, holy crap. I mean, I don't think he sounds like me. And even though I know me better, it doesn't matter if it SOUNDS like he sounds like me. Listening to voice clips is something I do regularly in and out of game, however Spy's quippy one-liners are kind of out of place here? The three modes you can hear him in are gloating, being paranoid, and that TINY bit at the end of MTS where he calls Scootma his Petite Chou Fleur. From that last one I've pegged him as a monogamous-romantic kind of guy... but now I'm looking back and thinking about it more and more I am starting to agree completely. I don't think he sounds like me (to me) but his characterization is weak...
- I obnoxiously believed I could correct myself. Er, well, if you saw the difference between a rawly written piece by me and a piece combed by me for grammar, I DID correct myself. A lot. I'll get my ladyfriend to check it next time.

I might try and put this through the wringer this weekend and see if I can't improve it.