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>>200 I can't believe I hit the 200 mark. You guys are awesome. No, seriously. Anyways, thank you so much for your kind words. I'm not that much of a graphic person, especially in real life, but I guess everyone has a dark side, huh? I just try to make something out of my sick fascination for hurting nonexistent people.
And if you don't usually like fanfic, but you liked this (And KGB, too!), you should definitely take a look around the chan. This place has the highest yielding of fanfictions on one tiny spot than I've seen on the entire interwebs. Like I said before, I'm a huge fanboy of Terato Marty, coauthor of the amazing "On The Coldfront". I also like Dotchan, Banimal, and Cat Bounty. But, really, there are too many great fanfiction writers out there than I can list! Happy reading, friend!

>>201 I'm glad you liked this despite it being a torture fic! I've put a lot of thought into it, and I can safely say it's my baby now! I'm glad you consider it not "overly angsty", because sometimes I'm afraid I'm laying it on too thick. I'm glad I made you cringe at least once in this! If you feel the urge to shower me with praise comment again, don't be shy! I love it.

>>202 No. Spy will not be happy at all.

>>203 I was going to be coy about answering this one, but it's too late at night for Das Boschitt, so I'll just go ahead and say.... Yes. Yes, it does.

Sorry for the huge lag in updates lately u gaiz. I'll try to get my shit together - I just can't seem to stick to one thing as of late.