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Just dropping in my two cents here, but the person who really made me edgy in this bit wasn't actually Demoman. Demo...I tend to automatically dismiss a lot of the more "dangerous" things he says, simply because of the alcohol. Being the granddaughter of a violent-talking alcoholic, I know that that particular addiction can very much make you threaten things that, when sober, you would never have the balls to pull off.

No, the man who really gave me a bad feeling was Engineer. He came across in this as... an enabler. Someone who knows that what is going on is against the rules, and has no desire to get busted, but has no problem living vicariously through others who aren't so cautious. He sat and *watched* Medic get threatened, and even made a point of saying he knew what they were up to and what was going on. "I think you shook him up plenty." But he didn't make any move to stop it until it started to look like he might be an accessory to rule-breaking. I don't trust that smile he threw Medic for a moment. I generally like Engie. But in this, I feel like he is almost more dangerous than the ones who are open and vocal about their hate.

Perhaps it's because so many hate crimes against gays start with someone the victim thought was an ally.