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File 131901525744.jpg - (157.13KB , 1366x768 , DrunkenMess.jpg )
1781 No. 1781
I spend a weirdly long time whenever I want my ragdolls to look like they've just collapsed. It's kind of sad.

I also spent a long-ish time trying to arrange the broken and non-broken bottles and empty cans around him, and then I wound up only taking pictures from such a high angle that none of the work I put in mattered.

But it still amuses me to have a drunken, passed-out, naked Demo. I think whenever I set up a serious picture, he'll be just around the corner at the very least...
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>> No. 1782
File 131901544711.jpg - (96.11KB , 1366x768 , Wreckage.jpg )
The other case of my spending a long time on a ragdoll that looks like I just picked it up and dropped it.

I should go back to this and add some serious wounding, which it needs.

Okay, this is the last of my complete crap-looking ones (I hope!).

(forgot to mention in the first post that in addition to his empties, naked drunken Demo also has a hula doll. Yeah, I don't even know.)
>> No. 1783
File 131901553460.jpg - (69.63KB , 911x512 , GranaryAfterSoLong.jpg )
My second attempt at using GMod to illustrate fics I'd written.

Kind of super awkward. I am very clearly new at this, but enjoying messing around.
>> No. 1784
Difficult to tell what's going on with Demo in the first. I like the effect of lighting in the third.
>> No. 1785
File 131934725154.jpg - (115.65KB , 1366x768 , UnderTheBridgeAndBleeding.jpg )
Thanks-- a big problem with the first is definitely distance, but I realized later I didn't take any screencaps of the Demo situation up close...

I don't think I even did anything special with the lighting-- at least, I don't remember doing anything... but it turned out surprisingly well, considering my just-starting-out skill level...

Redid the bridge crash Spy entirely... then took a few angles, after adding plenty of blood and an exposed rib...
>> No. 1786
File 131934729923.jpg - (119.27KB , 1366x768 , Trail.jpg )
Another dying Spy, angled/framed slightly differently.
>> No. 1787
File 131934738097.jpg - (99.21KB , 1366x768 , CrawlAway.jpg )
Still thinking about what the best angle on this is, after clearing everything and then re-doing some.
>> No. 1788
File 131952649549.jpg - (115.27KB , 1366x768 , BloodAndBone.jpg )
Last one of these.

What is wrong with me that I spent so much time trying for just the right angle on this?
>> No. 1789
File 131952658585.jpg - (69.14KB , 911x512 , AnotherViewonGranaryKiss.jpg )
Wound up with a slightly different view on this one as well.

I kind of like the framing, though I'm not sure about the light.
>> No. 1790
File 131952677520.jpg - (68.07KB , 1366x768 , GENTLEMEN.jpg )
This was just the byproduct of my trying to get the face poser to work with me instead of against me. From a completely different angle, this was essentially face posing practice, and because I needed a driver's-license-photo-style screencap of Spy.

But then when I walked around and saw him from this angle, it looked like he could have been running a meeting.

Man, am I going to have to go back to this and set up a bunch of other BLUs around the table shouting at each other? Yeah. I think I'm going to have to set up war room pictures.
>> No. 1791
File 13195871165.jpg - (97.54KB , 1366x768 , DreamingOfMissJune.jpg )
Continuing on with my weird habit of leaving a drunken naked Demoman slouched in a pile of empties on every map I mess around on...
>> No. 1792
File 13195872053.jpg - (133.53KB , 1366x768 , ALittleHarmlessFlirtation.jpg )
But here's what I was actually there for...

Yeah, I'm sure that surprises no one.

(could not get Sniper's head right. Spent, what, half an hour here? Time flew by. His neck was forever awkward...)
>> No. 1793
File 13195872976.jpg - (138.91KB , 1366x768 , LikeALoungeSingerOnlyNot.jpg )
Did some adjusting and screenshot taking from different angles on this one. Realized that the pose made me think of a lounge singer and piano player flirting.
>> No. 1794
File 131958739517.jpg - (132.38KB , 1366x768 , OnlyYou.jpg )
And this saga continues... last one before I swapped them out for nude models.
>> No. 1795
File 131958760360.jpg - (125.13KB , 1366x768 , JustTellMeWhatYouWant.jpg )
Little bit of naked canoodling, part one. Wound up not getting the hand low enough so that it looked like spanking, but liked the potential for either a possessive touch or gentle caress higher up.

Some day, I will actually be able to position the nude TF2 models so it looks like they're having sex. For now, mostly foreplay.
>> No. 1796
File 131958764253.jpg - (113.20KB , 1366x768 , WaitingToBeTouched.jpg )
Low angle time.
>> No. 1797
File 131958768416.jpg - (76.03KB , 912x512 , ThatsIt.jpg )
>> No. 1798
File 131958775867.jpg - (103.03KB , 1366x768 , YouWantMeToTouchYouThere.jpg )
Finally actually posing Sniper's other hand coming up towards Spy's cock instead of just dangling there thoughtlessly.
>> No. 1799
File 131958787496.jpg - (108.31KB , 1366x768 , HandClenchedOnTheConsole.jpg )
This one I really like... a lot of my still-early attempts at GModding leave me feeling clumsy and amateurish, but this I'm actually happy with.
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