No. 1811
Aw, now you're just too friggen sweet. c:
So, I spent some more time thinking over my fem classes, and realized that I never finished some details on them. So, here it goes.
Fem!Pyro is BoyScout's girlfriend. FemHoovy is sort of his adoptive mom on the battlefield. So this would obviously lead to a bit of conflict concerning the two.
FemHoovy personally feels that BoyScout is too young for Fem!Pyro and thinks she should stay away from him. She never voices these thoughts to Scout, because she is really hesitant to do anything to upset him, for fear of getting on his bad side, but when Scout isn't around.... Things get "tense".
Fem!Pyro thinks Scout is old enough to decide for himself if she's too old or not (she's only, 26, but depending on your headcannon for Scout's age, that might be a pretty large gap. Even so, judging by that Christmas comic, Scout seems to have a "Thing" for older women, anyway!), and doesn't appreciate some random cow who somehow takes it upon herself to be Scout's second mom to tell her what she can and can't do with her own goddamn boyfriend.
I haven't decided what Fem!Pyro's weapon will be yet. For now, let's just default back to the Fire Axe, because balls.
GirlScout's weapon, however, has been decided. I went with a Croquet Mallet with a spike going through the head and barbed wire wrapped around it. If that sounds like a bastardization of the Axtingquisher and the Boston Basher, it's because it totally is. ORIGINAL WEPON DO NOT STEEL
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