No. 11429
vintage backburner, sheerly out of preference. i have a degreaser, but i simply prefer the backburner because i circle-strafe like nobody's business and i get a crit bonus. and despite the fact that the cost is 50 ammo, i use the airblast to my discretion. if i see a scout on fire near the spawn, i'm not going to extinguish them. if i see an engulfed medic on the front lines, definitely.
i use the detonator for flare-sniping and det-jumping. it actually comes in very handy (combined with a crouch jump) when i need to get to a higher place and i have health to spare. when enemies move out of my flamethrower's range, i nail them with the flare. thankfully, my extensive practice with aiming the detonator gives me a pretty nifty chance of hitting my target.
as for melee, i stick to either the axtinguisher or the homewrecker. i like pyrbroing it up with the engineers, so i'm usually wielding the latter.