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13972 No. 13972 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Nothing I try to fix this problem seems to work. Anybody else having this error message?
>> No. 13983
Oh god yes. Let me refer you to the thread I found that let me use the tools. TL;DR Valve is ditching the unified SSDK app/launcher in favor of shipping the tools separately for each game, and you wanna load the tools in question out of the TF2 folder.

Thread here (skipped to post by Valve employee): http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?p=34381610#post34381610

Now, I did what they said and still have some issues, but I can at least open the darn things. Hopefully they'll have a proper fix in the future.

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13818 No. 13818 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
So, TF2 got his fully community item update with 57 items, the "official" scout's mana robot(and Announcer's face)and a comic with the story managed by Cat Bountry.
What do you think about this upadte?
(let's revive this damn site back to his old days (fuck you hipstr)
126 posts and 18 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 13967
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While on the discussion on maps, I would really love to see more maps that work like cp_steel. I really love that map.

You know, the final point is open at all times, but red spawn being next to it makes it tough to cap unless reds are dumb. Capturing other points make the final cap easier bit by bit.
>> No. 13971
I think it was pretty cool but I would've liked to see some robo-weapon reskins. Just hats...I'm sorta "meh" on the whole thing
>> No. 13974

It's a great map, but there have been few attempts by the community to try anything similar (or at least none that have achieved a similar level of popularity), and Valve are always reluctant to release anything that can't be immediately grasped by newer players.

The Lecture Valley thing seemed to hint at more Medieval stuff and I'd be down with that, but I really hope they don't do any more Special Delivery. Doomsday seriously bites.

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13905 No. 13905 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
My original (i.e. pre Mann vs. Machine update) speculation went like this:
The Administrator totally doesn't trust anyone other than herself to run things. She invests in, say, Aperture, and uploads herself as an all-seeing AI, automating most of RED and BLU's day-to-day processes. The mercs are fooled into it's still 1968 ish and, accordingly, they'll keep playing death tag effectively forever.

I'm kinda undecided about how big a change the MvM update really brought. Sure, Redmond and Blutarch are dead, but in the game itself there are still teams of 12, 18, 24, or 32 fighting over RED/BLU contested territory...or are those game modes not connected to the "plot" of TF2 any more?

In general, I tend to treat canon I don't like with the handwave of "well, that might have happened to THE [Insert Class Here], but not to MY [Insert Class Here]", but maybe it's time to make up new headcanons again.
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>> No. 13914
Ain't gonna lie, I laughed.

As for my headcanon.. it depends on what I'm dealing with:

If it's my own writing (where I justify multiples of the same class/character as clones), I imagine they are brought into existence to fulfil a role, and once that role is no longer needed to be filled post-MvM... well, it can go either way.

If it's a light hearted take, they get situated as far apart from each other as possible in the real world, told not to take any high-profile jobs lest a civilian recognise them and to live out the rest of their years in peace. Given they're mercs, there are a lot of issues adjusting and so they vent their frustrations in various ways. Like the odd demo giving up on a regular job and travelling the world to study (read: hunt) mysterious creatures, or another who bands with a pyro to enter the pyrotechnics business with sparkling assassinations inexplicable fatal firework accident on the side.

If it's a dark take, they are set to be destroyed behind closed doors. Some of them might escape. Getting really horrible, there are times I imagine it like that lovely film, Moon - where their bodies break down after x amount of years and they're replaced with a fresh clone.

When I think about the game, and how Valve could possibly end the story without breaking the eternal war aspect, I imagine them winning the robot (hat?) war and disbanding... yet failing miserably to integrate into society so they come back for a reunion and decide to duel it out like in the good old days, for the rest of their lives. Like what Tidbits said.
>> No. 13970
In my headcanon, all of them except engineer and pyro die before it all ends and pyro loses his/her body when seven of them are dead.
In 1999, pyro dies of exhaustion right before the end comes.
The only survivor after it's all over is engineer.
>> No. 13973
Very late to the headcanon party here, but I'm noticing no one is bringing up the respawn mystery. There's clearly something significant keeping the mercs alive, something that was hinted to be connected to Redmond and Blutarch's immortality machines. The latter are obviously dead, but are the mercs are still relentlessly respawning with impunity?

My headcanon depends on that question, because in mine, they are immortal. They're still subject to the attrition of time, but constantly respawning has affected their very bodies and (presumably medic) has taken advantage of this by further altering their bodies to make them all live longer (obviously because he wanted to see what would happen).

Would they retire? Hell no. They might have to do it somewhere else if the robot invasion is ever resolved, but I don't see one single merc even considering putting down their guns. They'll keep shooting and slaughtering until they'll need walking sticks and wheelchairs, and even then they'll strap rockets to those and race multicoloured forest animals as demonstrated here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNfBUXYuuP8

Our beloved maniacs will never stop fighting, if they've destroyed everything, then they'll just ride off into the sunset, blow the sunset up, and find a different battlefield.

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13691 No. 13691 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
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>> No. 13945
Gosh, someone's grumpy today. Want a mint biscuit? Would that make it better?
>> No. 13950

Skullgirls is actually pretty cool. It's a fighting game made all by fans, hand-drawn and animated in 2D (think Guilty Gear, if you're familiar with it), with a mostly female cast of monsters and macabre creatures. (The token dude is a big buff black guy who's a cyborg Jazz musician.) They were also generous enough to give Fighting Is Magic their fighting game engine for free when they ran into legal trouble.

I do think it's a bit clashy with the TF2 style, but I'm okay with them re-submitting them to make them official.
>> No. 13966
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>The token dude is a big buff black guy who's a cyborg Jazz musician.

There's also Beowulf now.

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13952 No. 13952 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Looking for server
Finally, Badwater payload
Round ends, 2fort now

Victory is near
Lag spike then crash to desktop
Team. Self. Both now rage.

Time to kill some noobs
Go to equip Strange Huntsman
Item server down

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 13955
My Kritz is now charged
Right click on the demoman
Sticky hits a fence

Pull out a sandvich
Enjoying a tasty heal
A knife in my back

Tailored suit ruined
I have been shown who's the boss
What a disaster

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 13956
Long hours in Hammer
Prepare to release my work
I forgot cubemaps

Solly and Engie
Hot, sexy helmet party

Sentry going up
Ain't that a cute little gun?

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

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10294 No. 10294 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So what do you think the odds are of us getting another Poker Night game? Or some variant? (Chess Night at the Inventory?)
I remember Telltale saying they may do another if the first was profitable enough.
So if they end up doing another who would you want to see appear? What promotionals would you want?
Me? I'd like to see Soldier in it, and Sam from Sam and Max (because I want a Big Kill).
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>> No. 13867
Related: What's your favorite game what had a TF2 tie-in?

I asked a bunch of people on hipstr awhile back, and Don't Starve was almost the overwhelming favorite, although Plants vs. Zombies and Brütal Legend got some love, too. Heck, I even met some Sam and Max fans over MvM today. That seriously pleased me.
>> No. 13912
PvZ and Don't Starve are games I adore, but don't care too much for the tie-in items.

Is it sad my favourite tie-in item is the plain ol' Bill's Hat? Seems almost.. boring to have that as my favourite. It looks so cute on Engineer though
>> No. 13918
That's not weird. I ran into a Soldier once who had a white Bill's Cap, white Soldier's Formals, and Earbuds. Looked pretty dapper.

And yeah, I kinda agree. The PvZ stuff for The Sims 3 was actually better.

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13764 No. 13764 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Discuss. Or write fics. Whatever.
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>> No. 13774
My body is not prepared for this.
Remember some time ago they said about making a 15 minute Teamfortress 2 movie using Source Filmmaker?
>> No. 13780
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Yeah, this is... this is literally for that short they mentioned.

It's the thing.
>> No. 13792


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8849 No. 8849 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Last time, on Final Combat... http://tf2chan.net/dis/res/5743.html

There's a new official page up at http://fc.duowan.com, let's see how long this one takes before it gets region banned.

(And it looks like all of our guesses were way off: there's only 5 classes so far, each of them having 2 alternate skins.)

Watch this space for translations--the devs have finally spoken up about all of the accusations that the game is a TF2 ripoff.
205 posts and 31 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 13784

She's not a good design by any stretch of the imagination, but at least they got the 'feasible activewear' part right, and they even managed to avoid making her stripperific, which puts her miles ahead of most female video game characters

thats like comparing dog shit to cat shit. Sure, cat shit is smaller, and in a catbox for easy cleaning, but it's still shit.


If you say that the design sucks, then we can agree we disagree, since I do like it and we can't argue taste.

No, we can argue taste! This is a thread! Thats what it was made for!


Of course I was talking about final combat sniper
>> No. 13811

Meet the "Mechanism". (I'm assuming the final English name will either be "Mechanic" or "Engineer", the Chinese name is "Engineer".) She's around 22 years old (but the bio still calls her a "high school student"), stands about 169 cm (5' 2" ish), blah blah blah.

* Automated sentry (placed via the device in her hands as seen in the picture)
* Shotgun
* Wrench
* Ammunition backpack that provides 20% extra ammo for the sentry
>> No. 14015
So uh, what would it take to actually play this thing? I have the Philippine version installed but it keeps giving me some apex protection error. Was only able to take a few screenshots one night now it won't launch.

Any ideas?

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13737 No. 13737 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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>> No. 13761
I do. I'm just...dealing with a couple other fandoms where people were asking when certain things were going to happen, completely serious, and said things were all either totally OOC, or things the writers either couldn't get away with, or things the writers would simply never do. I've been apprehensive as a result.
>> No. 13762
Where is this linked from anyway? I don't see anything out of the ordinary on the main blog page.
>> No. 13763
There is a hidden link on the period at the end of the last sentence (just after the "one time" link)

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13627 No. 13627 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
A long time ago, Owl posted links to mixtapes made for classes and stories for our listening and downloading pleasure. I know personally I still listen to them (I can't drive anywhere without something from 'Pleasure to Burn' popping up), and was wondering if anyone else did too.

Or, do you listen to new mixtapes? If so, which ones? Do you make your own, or just listen to individual songs just grouped together with no ryhme or reason?

Link semi-related, it's the only one of Owl's mixtapes I can still find.

Which reminds me, does anyone else have them saved? I have 'Decloak and Backstab', 'Pleasure to Burn', and the one linked above, but they've been picked apart so much I've only got a few songs left from each.
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>> No. 13695
Can I post some of my own here? I don't have actual downloads, just links to videos, though.
>> No. 13698
I compiled the Sniper mixtape from that thread and put it up here:
>> No. 13702
THANK YOU! RB. that is so helpful.
Some of the music in the other playlists a bit obscure so I can't find it on youtube easily.

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