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File 130946362776.gif - (492.59KB , 500x278 , Medic.gif )
6901 No. 6901 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Guys, I need a bit of help with this. There are two Polish translations for Meet the Medic (other Meet the videos have really good fan subtitles, but this one has minor problems), and I want to make another one which would be accurate, won’t sound stiff and wasn’t CC. I’ve done this stuff before for Transformers Animated and even helped with the official transaction for TV, but I’ve lost contact with the guy who was adding subs to the fan versions of these episodes.

I'll write down both versions, so it'll be easier to see what goes where.

So if you could do it or know someone else who can add subs, that’d be awesome.
>> No. 6902
*translation derp

But yeah, that'd be great.

File 130834633672.jpg - (66.40KB , 1440x900 , 2011-06-17_00001.jpg )
5813 No. 5813 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Hey guys. TF2 Beta just updated, mostly with a bunch of finicky balances to the weapons under development, but also some aesthetically interesting stuff: A new main menu lay-out, and an option which allows the game to match you to a server playing the mode of your choice. Each of the modes has a cool little picture attached to it (Makani made?) and mindful of how much you like the artsy side of TF2, I thought I'd share them with you.
17 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6686
Wait, you're right.
I was so busy squeeing at the drawings that I didn't notice that.
>> No. 6869
Does anyone know makani's new t.umblr account?
>> No. 6876


Here you go.

File 130933329299.jpg - (105.54KB , 500x359 , demo_medic.jpg )
6849 No. 6849 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
You and I, on Badwater
Building charge with, my Medigun
Watch our teammates rush the bomb
'Till one by one, they were gone

Back at base, enemy medic
Shouts the words, “I am charged”
Demoman runs out the door
His new set makes him a moor

Medic and Demoman
Kritzkreig and Caber in hand
Panic bells, RED team's here
And they're nearly at uber

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>> No. 6850
99 RED Balloons?
>> No. 6852
I hadn't thought of that, but yeah, good name. Thanks

File 13088885274.png - (285.19KB , 643x363 , nnn.png )
6432 No. 6432 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Now that we've had a glimpse into Medic's life I'm wondering if he is all serious business except when Heavy is around or sciencing. Or if he is always this awesome! What do you guys think?
31 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6796
Am I the only one not seeing glass in his spectacle frames? I mean, I swear those are for more than decoration, but even during the video I never caught a flash of light or reflection or anything.
>> No. 6798
Actually, one thing you can certainly say for the "Meet The' videos is the quality of the lighting (which can be a tricky and time-consuming process but you can see how it really has improved over the course of the other videos) - although to answer your question, they may have started out giving the geometry that makes up the lens a higher reflectivity to mimic glass but if you're dealing with multiple light sources the light reflecting of the lens glass may have become too distracting.
Also, with the 'Meet The' videos I'm pretty sure they're using the same models as in game just with better rigging, weights painting, facial blends shapes (and I suspect) UVs.
>> No. 6813
The "meet the" models are in the game, you just need to use console commands to use them.

File 130919907270.gif - (490.98KB , 315x210 , Spoiler Picture.gif )
6768 No. 6768 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Dunno if there's another topic of this. I just basically made this thread of this sweet GIF I found. YIPPEE KAI YAY.

Probably NSFW
6 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6788
Lol, this is hilarious

And the thread you were looking for is in fact here: tf2chan.net/dis/res/258.html
>> No. 6789
File 130924018799.jpg - (71.91KB , 734x404 , glorious.jpg )
Oh my god. This is amazing!
>> No. 6790
Thanks, pallie! I'd repost it there, but... Too lazy. Maybe in the morning (or, more likely, afternoon... Man I really need a job.)

File 130912053792.png - (78.75KB , 512x512 , Paint_Can_Cream_Spirit.png )
6730 No. 6730 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
These new paint colors are pretty damn classy.

I would look at Team Spirit and cringe at nearly every hat painted with it. Now I gotta' say, some of these look genuinely nice!

I painted my Soldier Stash with Cream Spirit and it is gorgeous!

Thoughts on the new paint?
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>> No. 6738
Engineer's hardhat.
>> No. 6741
actually it is pretty close to the emblems on their shoulders as well.
One of the few things nowadays that match the swatch on the contribute site.
>> No. 6753
I'm still waiting for Forest, Table, and A Night At The Improv paint colors.

I gotta get one of these, I painted the Medic bowler/tyrolean Gold because I thought it'd match better, and it didn't.

File 130914527842.jpg - (98.86KB , 1280x720 , Valentine.jpg )
6749 No. 6749 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
And it definitely couldn't wait till Valentine's day.

File 130906994550.jpg - (97.82KB , 1600x900 , 2011-06-25_00005.jpg )
6696 No. 6696 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
After years of playing it's time for my first SCIENCE!
2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6699
File 13090701931.jpg - (119.64KB , 1600x900 , 2011-06-25_00008.jpg )
oh god, yeessssssss.......
>> No. 6701
Wow, congrats on the awesome Pyro hoodie! That's a lucky first craft.
>> No. 6746

thanks, mate. My friend did a random hat craft and got the chrome dome. He was so angry he was going to quit. So I suggested he take another hat and combine it with the chrome dome and he got the scouts slickshine. So basically he destroyed 64 weapons to get a hatless engineer and then wasted a hat to get a hatless scout. He quit.

I was fucking lucky. He was very not lucky.

File 130883487757.jpg - (73.02KB , 894x556 , PyroUpdate.jpg )
6151 No. 6151 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
14 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6600
I like how they can still make Pyro's gender unclear even with a bit of voice: it sounds manly at the beginning but then you have those girlish giggles at the end.
(My personal opinion though, he's a guy just like everyone else.)
I felt a bit sad for Engi's coughs tho.
>> No. 6654
I can't help but laugh watching that.

I'd love it if one of those was cut to its own clip and named "LOLNOPE.AVI"
>> No. 6689
The Detonator is fun but it's not very practical. The explosion radius has to be incredibly well timed, and judgement is hard to use with it, due to travel speed, angle of view and so forth.
The flare jump isn't even enough to get on the 2Fort courtyard stairs.
It doesn't crit when it hits burning players, and if you're using the detonator I don't think you should be trying to get a direct hit anyway, that's the flaregun's job.

Best I've ever set on fire was 3 people with one flare.
Two situations I've found it useful for were; When a Medic was behind a Heavy and no one could get a shot on the Medic. Shot over the Heavy's shoulder and detonated it, hit both of them. Three detonates later, Medic died before an uber was made.
And hitting people who are around corners, but... They have to be pretty close to the corner.

No. 6271 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
  Meet the Medic.

213 posts and 68 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6835

>> No. 7001
File 130958244513.png - (214.59KB , 408x497 , 241543903.png )
I had to.
>> No. 7735

i laughed so hard i cried OMG.

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