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File 132007555224.jpg - (236.85KB , 800x533 , Be-angry.jpg )
9880 No. 9880 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
>people killing each other when Monoculus is out
>even killing the people that are trying to kill him

Valve should seriously ban people from the servers who do this
17 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 9952
What exactly is deemed as fair or unfair? Valve's being pretty vague about the whole thing
>> No. 9954
I don't even know, they were being really vague on what exactly they were punishing. Which scares me a little, honestly.
>> No. 9958
>On my clan server we anticipated the dickbags killing everyone and originally set our server to force everyone on blu.
I joined one of those 10 player only servers running Eyeaduct and even though there were mixed teams and pubbies only, I hardly had anyone attacking me. Of course it helped that most people who was on there couldn't 1 on 1 for shit.

File 131976073515.jpg - (517.09KB , 796x1152 , bombinomicon_00.jpg )
9743 No. 9743 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Stupid Sexy Merasmus the Magician

68 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 9928
Did he do the front page too?
>> No. 9932
Don't think so. Looks like the guy from the DoTA 2 comic. Offtopic, but the art from that is pretty amazing so far.
>> No. 9941
Thought so.
The artwork from the DOTA 2 and the front cover of this reminds me of Daniel Lieske's.

File 132025426113.jpg - (41.95KB , 400x400 , BP-2.jpg )
9924 No. 9924 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Alright, I need somebody with some amount of tech expertise on this. My copy of TF2 isn't working, and it's choosing not to work in the most aggravating way possible.
When I click the link, I get a weird bell-tolling sound, and the icon for half-life 2, which I don't even own, pops up in the toolbat
(note: I know that the game runs on the hl2 engine and that's why the icon's there, but I've never seen it show up before).
And then I get an error message telling me the game "failed to take master pipe connection lock".
Now, I just deleted some skin mod files, so is it possible I nicked a proverbial artery and deleted an essential file? It doesn't seem likely, since I uninstalled an reinstalled the game. What do I do?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 9933
No good. All the files were successfully validated, and it still won't open.

Fuck. I might have to call tech support. Shit, my copy might be permanently broken! This pisses me off far more than I expected.
>> No. 9934
>> No. 9939
After uninstalling it, exit steam and go into your steamapps folder. The Team Fortress 2 folder will still be there, so delete it. That'll make sure you do a fresh-as-possible reinstall.
Also delete clientregistry.blob in the main steam folder.

If that doesn't fix it, reinstall Steam entirely.

File 131874990059.jpg - (86.52KB , 800x470 , TF2_Happy_Halloween_by_jaxrainer.jpg )
9459 No. 9459 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
With Halloween about two weeks away and after finding and playing on a 24/7 Halloween Event server, I' started to look forward to what Valve might do this year. What do you think they will do?

We've played next to a graveyard last year with the manor and this year I want to actually BATTLE in one or maybe around a tomb since we have an Egypt-themed map all ready. Maybe something that has to do with accidentally reviving a mummy or evoking a curse of some sort.
44 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 9864
Meet the Director also mentioned Heavy's actual family, it's just that Heavy refused to tell the director anything beyond what was already written in his file.
>> No. 9866
Meh he was probably just saying that to guilt the kid. Or help his mother and sisters? Dunno
>> No. 9867

Sasha does eat through $200 custom bullets - she's a growing girl you know.

File 131988170522.jpg - (45.43KB , 300x300 , 12780687186.jpg )
9828 No. 9828 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Am i the only one who have thought this when they saw Meet The Medic for the first time: When Heavy's chest burst open when medic made him the uber-procedure, the Quick-fix healed Heavy's chest completely back to normal and cured every single scratch out from him, so if Medic would have used the same procedure on Demoman, wouldn't it also mean that his missing eye would be regerated back to normal, and he would have 2 eyes like everyone else. But now the mystery is kinda solved after the Bombinomicon case. Medicine cannot beat magic
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>> No. 9846
no because demoman lost his eye when he was a kid.
jeez, read the comics on teamfortress.com
>> No. 9848
I'm starting to wonder if Marasmus is a parody of A Wizard Did It/It's Magic, I Ain't Gotta Explain Shit.
>> No. 9859

If you read the last two sentences, he mentions the Bombinomicon and how it took his eye, meaning he did read the comic.


File 131986511639.png - (64.40KB , 449x470 , PLEASE SOMEONE SHOOT ME.png )
9821 No. 9821 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So, lately the horrible majority of TF2's playerbase has been glaringly in-my-face obvious, such as a half dozen players resorting to homosexual slurs at the mention of a female player and just general douchebags.
Does anyone have any recommendations for active, friendly-ish servers? I'm not asking for a teddybear hugfest, just a place I can hide from the scumbags in.
Forgive me if we already had a thread like this.
7 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 9852

Would you happen to have the name of the server for younger players? My kid brother enjoys playing with others online, but I'm worried that he might pick up unwanted vocabulary. Thanks in advance!
>> No. 9854
Do you know there's an option to turn off Voice Chat in the main menu? I believe it's either in the Voice or Multiplayer tabs of the Options button.
>> No. 9855
I also forgot to mention that you might want to turn off Sprays for him as well, so he doesnt have to see Hentai and Meatspin.

File 131974966863.png - (89.44KB , 450x428 , P3421_main.png )
9739 No. 9739 hide watch quickreply [Reply]

>Let's say you enjoyed Meet the Engineer. Let's say you enjoyed it so much--and especially that one scene where he serenades you and you fall in love all over again

they KNOW
>> No. 9779
Valve, you are omniscient.
>> No. 9782
File 131978302324.gif - (123.17KB , 438x542 , Unf Pyro.gif )
My appartment already has like six or seven TF2 posters in it.
But ... DAMN. Valve really got my ovaries in a twist here! I can already see it ... Next sale, that lithograph will be mine.

File 13186400894.jpg - (17.03KB , 639x347 , neine.jpg )
9424 No. 9424 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
can I buy stuff from tf2 with my cellphone money?
>> No. 9427
File 131864463753.jpg - (185.97KB , 826x986 , IamSasha.jpg )
>> No. 9428
I feel like I have seen this before.
>> No. 9709
they should have. fffff

No. 3570 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
  This thread needs to be restarted with one of the best Gmod videos in the history of everything. Watch several times to get the most out of it.
Protip: Hit 4 repeatedly while on Youtube.

201 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 9698
  This is beautiful.
>> No. 9731

That deserves my daily tear of manliness
>> No. 10264
I place this here... because no man should suffer alone...


File 131930260051.jpg - (75.67KB , 1000x872 , crate.jpg )
9647 No. 9647 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
ok, I got a #30 crate, I want to know about it, and the worth.
>> No. 9649
File 131930353859.png - (14.59KB , 378x394 , Crate #30.png )
These particular crates are given to players much less frequently than a normal Mann Co. Supply Crate. Unlike previous special crates, it has no special key or expiration time.

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