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File 132300624191.jpg - (11.01KB , 259x195 , imagesCA9YC9CV.jpg )
10593 No. 10593 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Came across this the other day and it is quite the little godsend (srsly, I've got three strange vanilla weapons and a Haunted B'Ankh)

Basically you trade items (best to go with stranges, geniunes, Unusuals, hats, misc. and tools) to get in store credit which you then use to purchase items from the store
19 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 10936

Make sure your Steam application is open, and that you are signed in on the website. Click 'trade'. Wait a moment and you should receive a friend invite on Steam from one of the site's bots. Accept the invite and the bot will request a trade. You give your items to the bot and they will tell you how many credits it is worth. You will get your credits after trading.

To buy, reserve an item and click trade when the '1' pops up. You will get a friend invite from a bot. Etc etc.
>> No. 10938
You also need to sell something first to get credits. I discovered that selling paint was a great way to get credits since it is something that people don't normally want to trade for and just sits in my backpack being useless.
>> No. 10939
yeah it kinda should go without saying that they're not giving all this stuff away for free.

got trade them some stuff to get credits first

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10880 No. 10880 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
can anyone tell me why everyone thinks TF2 it's in 1960?
I'm not saying it's not I just don't know why people say this - has it been posted somewhere?
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>> No. 10903
Not to mention Shakespearicles.
>> No. 10905
And also Soldier's roommate is a magician.
>> No. 10908
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lol, tf2 newfags. Gotta love 'em.

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10154 No. 10154 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Hey, guys. Time for a public service announcement.

We all know that Demoman is probably the most underrated member of the game - and in my opinion, he is. (Pyro comes in close second, but Pyro has a reputation for being a cute chub monster, while Demo hardly even has that.) So, with TF2Chan being the equality-loving place it is, I came up with this idea with a friend a few weeks ago.

It seems like the probably with Demo is not that people dislike him as a character, but rather that he's... admittedly forgotten about the most. Which is even sadder.

So, my solution would be to make a whole friggin MONTH about him, just to get him saturated in the culture and get people pumped up about him or something. (Kind of like how it was with Medic before the Uber Update!) Fanart, fanfiction, cosplays, crafts, you name it!


>Also, please only use Demoman reaction images if you can, to get in the spirit of things! This is definitely not a plot to get more Demoman in my reaction image folder what are you talking about lol u silly
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>> No. 10707
File 132372072685.jpg - (193.48KB , 1600x900 , cp_manor_event0001.jpg )
i did a thing
>> No. 10812
I fulfilled my promise. Time Ladd is now on the Chan. You'll find it under /fanfic.
>> No. 10833
File 132397970585.jpg - (636.21KB , 1280x1024 , Medieval RPG with Demoman Titlescreen.jpg )
Little announcement!

Just started an RPG game in Gmod, and it's in the spirit of Demoman December! http://tf2chan.net/gmod/res/4601.html

Hope you all get a kick out of it!

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7634 No. 7634 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
When Valve has no idea which class to update, use the default of Scout, Solly or a Melee weapon for Demo. Clearly, they went with Solly. These were inspired by WETA Workshop, the people who built Valve a fully working motion sensor Sentry (minus the bullets)...

Can we all discuss these weapons? We're sorry Engineer... were just so sorry for the torture your about to be put through.
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>> No. 10758
>Pyro is confirmed for lovable manchild
>Pyro possibly lives with Engie (circumstances unknown), or they both live on-base
>Space guns?

>> No. 10765
see, what the fuck did i tell you?
>> No. 10796
Went to the wiki to learn about Grockets. http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Grockets

The number 3 keeps popping out; 3 rockets, 3 ladders, 3 doors. I'm getting the suspicion that this is only going to be the second portion of Grordborts' contributions to TF2.

Also, HL3.

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10775 No. 10775 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
I know this is TF2 discussion area, but I think this is worthy enough to be posted here, both because its a good deal and its charity.

Number four is out, and boy is this one a hum dinger. At the time of writing this, you can get seven, count em, seven indie games for less than a dollar a game, not only that, but included in these games are the critically acclaimed Super Meat Boy and Cave Story+, a game which has been called "The best 2D platformer since the days of Super Nintendo"

Can it get better? Yes actually. The reason these games are so cheap is for charity, namely the Red Cross and the Child's Play charity, and out of the money you pay, you get to select how much of what goes where. Sure you could download these games for free, but come on, this is a great deal for a great cause and only scum steal from charity.

If you don't want to buy it, fair enough, but if you do want these games, you'll never get a better price or for a better cause.

Cheers, Donny.
>> No. 10776
File 132385379195.jpg - (157.00KB , 520x800 , 131215131727.jpg )
Already bought it, just as usual. Amazing deal that just gets more amazing with each passing issue of the bundle. You seriously can't go wrong with this. And since everyone can give just how much they want, there's no pressure. Just good money donated to good charity.

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10573 No. 10573 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
I feel like I'm a bit of a minority here. Am I the only person could honestly couldn't care less about unusual hats? I overall they're just "meh" to me. There are a few combinations that would be cool, like fire brigade helm, but even then I'd much rather have the multitude of other cosmetic items I could get by selling it.
>> No. 10577
You are not alone, anon. I don't care for unusuals at all either. Some of them look nifty, but there are so few that I really can't be bothered. I dunno, it just kinda feels tacky and distracting most of the time. They are also seriously bad to use in comp play because they make you very easy to track down, so that doesn't help either.
>> No. 10579
Yeah, I don't much understand it myself (which is rather derogatory considering how much I wanted to sell my soul for a Haunted B'Ankh and Haunted Blazing Bull)

The only items that should have a rarity value are weapons, makes much more sense

Next they'll be introducing "STRANGE HATS" that upgrade to another level each half a dozen or so hours you wear it
>> No. 10607
I can totally agree on that one. The other day my friend uncrated a trophy belt with one of the Halloween effects on it, a guy traded it to him for a copy of portal 2. I honestly don't get why he wanted that hat so much.

File 132297328869.png - (159.76KB , 500x865 , demoknight_by_getgrenade-d41wwl7.png )
10580 No. 10580 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Although said subclass is usually most effective when played with Spy logic, and overall partially occupies Spies' niche in gameplay, the difference in gamestyle of Demoman and Knight are quite drastic.
In fact, they are drastic enough for Demoknight to be considered a different class. Or at least I think so.
I am fully aware that some loadouts incorporating parts of both has proved to be quite efficient, yet I don't feel that these occasional, situational and map based WINs are weighty enough NOT TO make Demoknight a separate class.
Discuss, my kind sires.
>> No. 10589
File 132299484313.png - (487.12KB , 639x475 , HatsuneGaben.png )
Dude, we have known that for like forever. Did it really take you so long to realise this?

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10575 No. 10575 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Some people think they are lame, and they may not even be the greatest hats in the game, but they certainly are cool in their own right and I would certainly be glad to have any of them. Such as:

Ye Olde Baker Boy
Whoopee Cap
Scotsman's Stovepipe
Mining's Light
Soldier's Stash
Trophy Belt
Cadaver's Cranium
Doctor's Dapper Topper
Exquisite Rack
Glenngarry Bonnet
Magnificent Mongolian
Old Guadalajara
Modest Pile of Hat (I like it better than the tower)
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>> No. 10583
Gentleman's Gatsby
everyone says it's the worst medic hat but I think it's one of the best
simple yet classy
>> No. 10586
i wear the modest pile of hat cause it looks more noble ;) and i like it. but i dont wear it with sniper, only with medic, cause i hate to be a 8-feet-target ;)
>> No. 10587
well i confused it with noble assessment of hats

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10469 No. 10469 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Apologies if this is the wrong place to post – I’m not sure where else to ask.

I’ve only been playing tf2 for about 2 months, but recently on a lot of the servers I play on I get accused of hacking. About 70% of the time people will try to ban or kick me, and about 50% of the time they succeed. I play as medic pretty often and I do manage to take down a lot of people, but mostly because I use the Solemn Vow to decide on fight or flight.

Does this happen to other people? Is there any way I can prevent it? I love this game and I want to become a better player, but it’s hard when this keeps happening.
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>> No. 10517
you should start by stopping hacking
>> No. 10536

I think I will be doing that in the coming weeks - I've found a few people nearby who play on private servers. Thank you for your advice.


Often it's people who are butthurt and raging, I've noticed. It's never people on my team, often people I've killed a number of times or earned a high amount of dominations. I prefeeer to only go battle medic if I'm on my own, but sometimes it can't be helped.


Your help knows no bounds.
>> No. 10542
You can try the Humpaholics Anonymous servers, they have really good players and sometimes bitch if you don't have their skill level (the other downside is that last I've heard, they're banning for being a battle Medic? But I see that you won't have problems with that).

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10521 No. 10521 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So, it seems we now have a third version of the pocket medic (and the second one made specifically for the engie) called the "Itsy Bitsy Spyder" ( a voodoo doll with the likeness of the spy with pins sticking out of it)
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>> No. 10530

I know the name it was submitted as was "The Stitched Saboteur". Dunno why it was changed.
>> No. 10532
Maybe they kept mispelling 'Saboteur'.
>> No. 10551
>"Say, Engie! Is that a miniature Spy in your pocket, or are you just happy to OH GOD STOP HITTING ME WITH THAT WRENCH!"

Why does the item description read like Soldier's voice?

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