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9052 No. 9052 Locked hide watch quickreply [Reply]

In this, we meet the creator of a "CERTAIN" FPS Knock off, an Englishman by the name of Troy Horton, creator of Tomb Raider
>> No. 9053
There's already a Final Combat thread below that already links to this video. Please put any new news in that thread.
>> No. 9125
Thread locked.

No. 9024 Locked hide watch quickreply [Reply]
  I hope you all like :D
>> No. 9069
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There's a thread of TF2 videos already started.

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8907 No. 8907 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
...and I'm all dressed up in my best camo pants and psyched to play.

...The only problem is that I'm a noob. Worse still, I'm a noob with anxiety issues, making me absolutely terrified of being a noob.

Do you guys have any tips to make me less anxious over this, or any suggestions over servers I should use? It's not like I want, or expect, to be suddenly AWESOME because that's ridiculous, but I just want to be able to actually click on a link without cacking myself from trepidation beforehand. I've practiced offline, and I can play alright if I'm with my friends on a private server, but where's the fun in that?

TL;DR, server suggestions plz

Pic related, automatic assumption of people's reactions to me.
9 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8966

These show up often when people ask for UK servers:
Kritzkast - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/KritzKast
Hampshire Heavies - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/hampshire_heavies
Ãœberium - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/uberiumpublic
Facepunch - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/FPTF2UK

These are UK based with settings that shit all over balance, but they appear to have some mod servers and overpopulation doesn't affect most mods:
UKCS - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/UKCS
Gaming Masters - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/gamingmastersuk
GTFOGaming - http://www.gtfogaming.co.uk/servers/

Since you have friends who play the game, you should ask one of them to coach you. It's fun AND helpful!
>> No. 9015
>I think my real problem is that I psych myself out too much before I start playing.
When I started out PvPing in WoW I got these awesome adrenaline rushes that often lead to my death (if any of you have had adrenaline rushes you know it completely shuts down your ability to do anything you haven't practiced A LOT).

Same thing with TF2, although I still get it to this day (started 2007), your body and mind works up an immunity to the shit, allowing you to think clearly.

Maybe TF2 is just some hardcore shit, because I didn't get an adrenaline rush when I was playing paintball inna woods, or maybe it's just because I take every death in TF2 with a mindset that I'll never outlive the eternal shame that has been brought upon me.

Just play the game and you'll see what happens.
>> No. 9019
That's why I can't PvP in WoW, I start getting rushes so my fingers never hit the right buttons and I end up randomly rocket jumping off a ledge or something. TF2 is different for me, though, generally everyone is more laid back and mistakes are funny as opposed to stupid.

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8057 No. 8057 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I don't know if this is the right board, but what servers do you guys regluarly play on?
2F2F mario_kart heree.
9 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8919
My personal favorite server is Halolz.com's "Gentleman Heavy's Fancy Fedora Time". The only irritation I've found with it is that it's password-protected now and the password is under regular rotation, so it's usually a good idea to check their Steam group page before trying to log on.
>> No. 9006
oh man, i laughed way harder than i should have at OP's pic
>> No. 9009
I mainly play on the Labcoat Gamers servers or the Lordkat Mafia server.

I'll jump on mantrain whenever it's active too. It's pretty much the only custom map server I have right now. :[
(well, aside from cock and balls and brbuninstalling red version, though I'm muted on both due to them both automatically muting micspammers even though you can disable that now.)

You best switch to the ones we recommend here in this thread. Labcoat Gamers is generally pretty chill.

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8967 No. 8967 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
We have a name thread, let's have a general load-out thread. Post your favourite class load-outs, hats and miscellanae.

I'd like to thank the Anon with the creeper steam avatar for making my Sniper a reality.
10 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8996
I love your Medic for the sole reason that you've got a Tom Waits reference.
>> No. 8997
The whole thing is a Tom Waits reference do ho ho. I call him the Black Rider Medic. Because I'm dumb. The descriptions include lyrics like "Filled with Needles and with Fools," "Dig deep in your heart for the little red glow, we're decomposing as we go," "Hang me in a bottle like a cat, let the crows pick me clean but for my hat," and "And he knew that he'd be ready with a stainless steel machete."
>> No. 9002
Tom Waits reference Medic? Such ladyboners.

Now the world just needs a Nick Cave reference Sniper and... I don't know, somebody to be Leonard Cohen references. And then all my gravelly voiced dreams will have come true.

I have no screenshot at the mo, but my Medic has the Blighted Beak, the Geisha Boy, and a crossbow. He is terrifying. Terrifying and beautiful, like some kind of Kabuki Plague Doctor.

Kabuki Plague Doctors would be a great name for a rock band...

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8986 No. 8986 hide watch quickreply [Reply]

Neat looking new micspam program for tf2. Haven't tried it myself but apparently it shows you what song you have selected and such in the HUD(something I really wanted for hldj) and allows you to spam even on servers that don't allow it.
Not that I'd do that last part....
>> No. 8991
okay after 50 min of rage for configuration and everything it's work.
It's amazing.
HJDJ is much more easier to work (with tf2dj you must download one program, then change the mic input from windowed AND Steam and the mp3 selection is much more easier to look but this work on ALL servers. GLORIOUS
>> No. 8998
Okay guys and gals, i have a problem. I tried it and i did everything described in the video. One problem? After i set in window media player to Line 1 i can´t hear anything. Maybe it´s because i use a headset rather than normal speakers (i don´t have some.) So can someone help please?

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4414 No. 4414 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Spy has a nearly infinite 'bucket list' and is determined to try every experience he can before he dies. He believes that the world is many, many things, but never boring- if boredom is your problem, you are doing life wrong.
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>> No. 9132
Pyro ships her teammates
>> No. 9701
  After seeing this video, with it in tandem with the iPod earbuds, I have Spy secretly dancing to dubstep so that he can practice moving around with stealth. Or just keeping his movements fluid so he can escape when he somehow fails to backstab an enemy. Something along those lines.

I can't get the image of Spy moon-walking past a doorway and Sniper, Scout and Engie just staring wondering what just happened.
>> No. 12250
  Scout's Mom is Carmen Sandiego. She settled down for a bit, cut her hair, died it black, and adopted five kids to give the illusion she'd been there a while. And ended up having three more kids on accident.

And that's part of the reason she and spy "get along" so well - because she knows him on more levels than one.

Shut up let me JUST HAVE THIS, okay QQ

Crappy slideshow included for those who don't know.

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8931 No. 8931 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Between the hats, misc. items, and weapon variations, has anybody gotten to thinking of their mercs as completely different characters? For instance, my Heavy (large luchador, purity fist, brass beast, warrior's spirit) has morphed into a cybernetic Russian luchador who serves a puppet of the soviet state, my scout (Mann Co. cap, Shortstop, pistol) is a no-nonsense professional merc, and my pyro (hoodie, detonator, degreaser, powerjack) is some kinda feral mutant who only fights with weapons constructed with junkyard refuse.

Who else does this? Any particularly entertaining alterations out there?
>> No. 8938
When I play the game, I'm pretty much fulfilling my shameless self insertion fantasies, and I also see my teammates as all OCs. The actual canon classes are probably playing in some Top Tier Super Serious Competitive League (though they may occasionally come down to play with us plebs for the lulz).
>> No. 8943
This is how I see it, too, more or less.

My Pyro (Gibus, Stockbroker's Tie) is a quiet guy who happens to like dressing up as if he were sophisticated and my Demoman (Scotch Bonnet/Ullapool/LnL) worked with the police at some point defusing crowds when they get too rowdy at those riots; that's how he lost his eye.
>> No. 8961
I do the reverse: create an OC, dress up like them in-game.

I was just RP'ing my Soldier, who wears the Grenadier's Softcap, and checked the Valve Store...they made two real-life versions. I need.

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8923 No. 8923 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Just what the title says. I don't know how many of you drink, but a friend and I were trying to come up with some ideas and wanted to see what TF2chan could come up with.

So let's share ideas? Any kind of clue what an alcoholic Atomic Bonk would taste like? Or maybe a Jarate drink?
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>> No. 8935
Completely forgot about Bonk! I did. Do this, but maybe use Monster Energy drinks for more fruity flavors, since you might want to offer both Cherry Fission and Blutoniun Berry flavors. Might even skip out completely on the alcohol bit and just make it the most hyped-up caffeinated drink you can manage without killing anybody.

And serving whatever the Mad Milk drink would be in an old fashioned glass milk bottle would be pretty cool.
>> No. 8940
I once made a drink called a "Flaming Sinner" for a Brimstone story I wrote. It was Goldschlager, red hots and a few hits of hot sauce. And you can set it on fire before you drink it.

It would make the perfect Pyro drink. Hot, in both senses of the word.
>> No. 8948
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Jarate would be a mason jar full of warm Thunderbird Fortified Wine.

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84 No. 84 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Show off your named items, boys and gals!

I start with something I really really had to do. Because Swedish Power Metal rocks. The song in question (the title means something along the lines of "Swift Victory") is about the Allies invading Berlin. Fits, imo.

Now it's your turn!
207 posts and 116 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 9076
Although there's still one more reference, but you probably need to be a /k/ommando to get it.
>> No. 9332
And my Dead Ringer now has the description 'I don't know who you are, what you do, where you go when you're not around'. (It was almost 'You got the kind of eyes that do more than see', but...)

Of course, I never really play as Spy, so I never really use it, but it was worth it to me.
>> No. 9879
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Haberdashery. Haberdashery never changes.

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