No. 8138
That's a great reason there son! You must have been a great contributor before, what with your witty banter and the sprinklings from your babbling brook of knowledge. The sheer power of your post has caused me to see that you are right in every conceivable way! Your literal logic has moved mountains within my mind, I may never thing the same way again, what with this rush of clarity! Breath taking!
That, or you're just one of the many that rage quit propelled on a torrent of butt blood because something happened you didn't like, and to save face and not seem like an asshole, you removed your old nick name to have a childish pop at someone who is still here and, gasp shock horror, still enjoys the chan cause I am able to avoid the bitchy side it can have by not sticking my nose into every shit scented pile that springs up.
Im guessing option two here.