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File 131377155041.jpg - (45.50KB , 265x276 , 128948772280.jpg )
8446 No. 8446 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Lol hi.
New player here.
Whats the easiest way to get hats!?!
>> No. 8448
Play frequently, drop rate increases.

Dominate player with Ghastly Gibus.

Preorder a sponsored game.

Get the Spiral Knights achievement.

Be nice to someone and they might gift you one.

Buy them from the Mann Co. Store.

Alternately, don't worry about hats at all. Most of them do nothing gameplay-wise, and you can't see them while playing. I've stopped caring about hats for the most part.
>> No. 8453
Ah cool, thanks for the response. But I got an other question aswell.
Do I get more items for the class depending which class I'm playing?
>> No. 8454
Nope. It's entirely random.

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8407 No. 8407 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
>> No. 8410
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i dont think so

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8396 No. 8396 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
So, a lot of people tend to be of the opinion that pre-order items are bad for TF2, and I tend to agree, if they're something that has an effect on gameplay. Nobody should get an unfair advantage by virtue of having more money, especially now that the games F2P.

On the other hand, I have no problem with hats. Those are just fun as hell. Relatedly, EA's revving up the hype machine for Mass Effect So now I'm wondering if you all would like to see any ME3 items, as long as they were purely cosmetic? I have a few idea myself.

GOD TIER: Krogan hump for Heavy/Omni-tool for Engineer.
Great Tier: N7/Cerberus badges for everyone
Good Tier: Quarian Helmet for Pyro.
Shit Tier: Team-volored biotic field.

But you guys tend to be much more creative. Any fun ideas out there?
>> No. 8400
Mass Effect is made by Bioware. Bioware is owned by EA. EA have recently taken the step of removing the newest Bioware release, DA2, from Steam, as they prepare to release their own digital platform, Origin, upon which they intend to release all EA products exclusively.

What I'm saying here is that there aren't going to be any Mass Effect 3 hats in TF2, Jonny.
>> No. 8404
Why did I see ME3 and think of Monkey Island
>> No. 8409
But the first two are still on Steam, in a variety of form...

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8297 No. 8297 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I'm not sure if my drama deserves its own thread, feel free to smack me in case it doesn't.

Well, lately, my friend uttered some dreadful words to me. He is a terrible TF2 player, always playing Spy with Dead Ringer and Enforcer (which is so unspyish for me and blood boils within me whenever I see him in game). So, lately I was playing with him on one server, rocking the game as a Spy, being on the top and he asked me, why do I play his class? So I answered, well, I'm not in the mood for Medic, so I chose something relaxing to play.

And then he said: 'Medic is the easiest class in the game, tbh. He depends only on the skill of the one who is being healed.'

Truth is, I was mad. I was really mad. I shouldn't be, I mean, it's only a game, blahblah, but Medic is my favourite class, I LOVE playing it, I have spent over 30 hours ubercharging and whatnot and I've never thought about him being for noobs! I, of course, proceeded to rant like an idiot, I do regret that now, but, oh well.

But, the thing is, he planted the seed of doubt in my mind. Today I suddenly stopped and started to think: what if he is right? I am not a pocket medic or anything, I believe I know how to play, but aren't I nothing more than a leech? Launching itself on the naive Heavies or Pyros, feeding on their kills? I don't know anymore, TF2chan. I just don't know.

tl;dr - Is Medic a noob class or do you need skillz?
18 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8355
Medic is hard because your main priority is staying the fuck alive and giving the healz to everyone at the same time.
Not so easy when you're the main enemy target and you have incompetent teammates that think they're invincible with a Medic and go charging in without any other backup.
It's annoying when I'm on fire and nobody does jack about it, yet they bleat for Medic when they lose an insignificant amount of health.
Don't get me wrong, if you've got a good team or heck, just a single good player who's always watching out for you, it's glorious.
(Many props to Sanvich Sharing Heavies, Pyros Who Actually Bother to Extinquish Allies, and other such friends.)
>> No. 8364
I don't play/watch any tourney matches for any game, sorry. I dunno why, but I've never had any real motivation to.

It's just in my experience, I used to get yelled at if I was the lone Medic (which I usually was) and I had my "fucking Kritz" out. To the point where I stopped using it one day and never took it out again.
>> No. 8365
ahh that may have been shit teammates who didn't know how to use it. also could have been a map where you were offensive, ubers are more sought after fro those

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8233 No. 8233 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
TF2 announced that Steam would be having a "Steam Trading Beta". They are promoting that you can trade games and items in games (such as TF2 items) without setting foot in those games. This is in a beta format, so you can choose to try it or opt out. they have also annouced that Portal 2 shall be the next game to be able to trade in-game items via Steam Trade.

For info on what the hell is going on-http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=6040

For FAQ's about Steam Trading Beta-https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=6748-ETSG-5417

I do kinda like this in a weird way. If this will help stop scamming, then I'm all for it. What do you guys think?
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>> No. 8236
I hope they make it so you can trade money from the Steam wallet
>> No. 8246
Trading $0.02.
>> No. 8341
trading without needing to start up the game... I think...

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8308 No. 8308 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Here's one great idea for Gabe: Why don't you put Golden Wrench and Saxxy in Mann Co. Store and put the price in about 300 - 500 dollars?
Keep the money or give it to charity, both players and charity people will be pleased
What do you think? We already had that 100 dollar hat on sale when Japan's disaster stricked
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>> No. 8320
i agree thoroughly. plenty of people would actually pay a lot of money for certain items like golden wrenches, but if i earned a saxxy, i wouldn't want people to be able to buy it; it destroys the purpose. it's a solid concept though.
>> No. 8321
Maybe if the purchased ones differed in some way. Different color (copper or silver vs. australium/gold)?
>> No. 8323
After i heard a story about those 2 canadian fans going in front of Valve's headquarters and they demanded Half-Life 3 to be released, maybe i should go there and demand Golden Wrench in Mann Co Store.? Gabe would propably like my idea, and he would propably offer me lunch like he did to those 2 canadians

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6972 No. 6972 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
I really don't feel like this deserves it's own thread, but I don't want to barge in and try to start a discussion in other threads, either.

That being said, I am intensely curious - I have found a vast number of people who prefer RED over BLU, to the point of never playing / roleplaying / drawing a BLU character. I find this strange, since they are essentially clones.

Of course, if they are simply clones, perhaps people seem to prefer RED because RED feels more "canon" - all the Meet The videos depict the red team, most everything official has been for the red team, etcetera.

Personally, I like playing BLU on maps because it feels more challenging, and I like them for aesthetics also (because I am a sadist and blood stands out against blue). I do prefer RED bases, though, because the rustic feel is more homely and less cold / sterile.

I'm genuinely curious! I'd like everyone who has an opinion to post it, whether it seems inane or even overly complicated.
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>> No. 8294
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I usually pick RED 'cause of the Meet the Class videos. Although if it's a certain map, I'll pick a team with the less visible color (i.e. Sawmill I pick BLU 'cause red stands out more).
>> No. 8295

Oh yeh, pic related 'cause I play SNOIPAH and I need to be able to see my enemies, depending on the map.
>> No. 8311
I prefer neither in-game. I always random my team unless I'm trying to do something specific.

Out of the game, I tend to pick RED first, but I think that's simply because I prefer warm colors over cold. (Orange is my favorite). Though, I do have one TF2 related name I use; BLU Heavy in a certain game.

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8231 No. 8231 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Post some ideas that you'd like to see fleshed out with more talent than yourself

-Bug Juice in place of Bonk!(from Bug!,shouts "BUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG JUIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCEEEEEE! after Scout cracks it open)

-Star Trek TNG Phaser in place of pistols, Bajoran Phaser Rifle in place of shotguns, Bajoran phaser in place of The Shortstop

-Star Trek outfits

-A Carinival map with a bouncy castle and shooting range
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8247
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Scout with the Long Fall Boots
>> No. 8258
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Cave Story weapons.
Polar Star for the Flaregun/Detonator

Missile Launcher for the Rocket Launcher (duh)

Fireball for the Grenade Launcher?

Somehow make Soldier into Balrog when wearing the Mantreads, and change the sound for them to "HUZZAH!"
...Actually, I'm gonna do that sound mod now.
>> No. 8264
Demo making L4D2Charger sounds when using Targe'nCharge.

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8095 No. 8095 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Yeah, here ya go, the usual load of st- is... is that a boomerang for engy?


Then, predictably, hats...

And of coarse, soldier could always use a new rocket launcher, god knows he ain't got enough of those.
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>> No. 8131
Fraid not, yer stuck.
>> No. 8149
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Oi, I bought Brink for PS3 a month ago, any chance for me to get the Anger for Snoipah? I still haven't linked the PS3 and Steam together, so maybe, anybody knows for sure? Or would I have to buy Brink now, after this free weekend?
>> No. 8166
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8108 No. 8108 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
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>> No. 8134
that you're a faggot
>> No. 8137

> Looks at the webside.

Ahaha, dat slaps me on the knee. Calling someone a faggot on TF2chan.
*wips away tear* It seems this is the comedy thread here?
>> No. 8138
That's a great reason there son! You must have been a great contributor before, what with your witty banter and the sprinklings from your babbling brook of knowledge. The sheer power of your post has caused me to see that you are right in every conceivable way! Your literal logic has moved mountains within my mind, I may never thing the same way again, what with this rush of clarity! Breath taking!

That, or you're just one of the many that rage quit propelled on a torrent of butt blood because something happened you didn't like, and to save face and not seem like an asshole, you removed your old nick name to have a childish pop at someone who is still here and, gasp shock horror, still enjoys the chan cause I am able to avoid the bitchy side it can have by not sticking my nose into every shit scented pile that springs up.

Im guessing option two here.

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