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File 131362655129.jpg - (170.86KB , 331x685 , Pilot_Class_by_michaelfirman.jpg )
8388 No. 8388 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
obviously the 10th class will likely never exist, unless they do happen to input a VIP protection/escort mode.

but its always fun to dream, etc. so drop some of your ideas about what the tenth class could be... heres mine:

The Scavenger:

>spawns with no weapons and ammo (maybe just a strong pistol.)

>has to get weapons (and in some cases, special equipment) from fallen enemies and teammates.

>has same health as the soldier

>same speed as the sniper

>can use any melee weapon from any class, provided he can scavenge them in-game.
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>> No. 8954

Sampson was actually exactly what I thought of when I read the description. My objection to 'combat chaplain' wasn't an objection to having a chaplain on the battlefield at all, just to having one that dealt damage...

But, I like the idea of a holy man on the field who couldn't kill you, but who hurt you if you killed him...
>> No. 8956

that does sound like a brilliant idea
>> No. 14735
I have an idea for a class: the Artillery.

Weapons: Multi Missile Launcher, Machine Gun, Sledgehammer

The Artillery is heavily armed and armoured, which makes him a walking tank. He is a combination of the Soldier and Demoman, but he uses long range to dispatch his foes just like an actual artillery piece. The Artillery lacks any sidearms and he is very slow, even slower than the Heavy.

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14425 No. 14425 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
My first time playing tf2 i chose the map ctf_doublecross. I played engineer and was so confused about everything. I did not even know you could build. I only chose engie because of the meet the video.

I used to pray to star and jerma every day and would enjoy their videos to death. I wanted a baby faces blaster so bad, and when someone else got it and not me, i got irritated.

Those were the days...
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>> No. 14584
Scout's so fast that I used to get vertigo playing as him. Games don't usually make me sick, but playing Scout, playing L4D in general (no idea why), and Guns of Icarus (the rocking of the airship) all make me slightly dizzy. What's weird about the GoI example is that I've been on an actual boat, and that never made me sick, but the virtual one does.
>> No. 14631
I started playing TF2 in 2011 and I only played offline bot-mode. Looking back on it, I think it was because I was afraid to make an ass out of myself in a real server. I almost always played engie or spy.
Kind of reminiscent thinking about it. I guess being naive and new to the game provided a greater sense of immersion. Did anyone else have this feeling?
>> No. 14733
File 146904470880.jpg - (406.62KB , 1257x1528 , 1421410474001.jpg )
Only play Sniper vs Sniper maps.

Slowly realize just about everyone who is a regular on the server is gay.

I Soon I realize that I am gay as well.

Now you know where gay people come from. Use your secret knowledge for good.

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14619 No. 14619 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
I wanted to know if the passes are available yet, also I wanted to know if anyone else has seen this.
>> No. 14621
God I wish.
>> No. 14625
Oh SNAP I have not seen that yet! Where'd you get this screenshot?
>> No. 14630
Looks very promising!

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14360 No. 14360 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Talk amongst yourselves about this fan made update.

I wasn't hyped about this short at all so I think it was pretty decent overall.

>Valve queerbaiting this hard
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>> No. 14372
Regarding the map, I myself have been playing it recently out of curiosity and I have to say, while I'm no pro map tester I know for a fact it is a flawed as fuck map. It has some really awful sentry spots that can mean one team that locks it down with a Pyrbro can be pretty much invincible, it also feels like a lot of the area's are just pointless. Like rooms and little stair wells that really have no reason. On a cosmetic note I feel like it had some really off lighting choices however that could simply be due to it not getting finished.

But yeah, I personally can see why Valve dropped it in the end. It was just the manor that they dropped it in that caused the whole backlash. They just needed to be blunt and tell us what they didn't like, not blame new players.

But yeah, fok it. We'll get over it.
>> No. 14500
Wnowplow sucks i always do bad when im playing that laggy piece of dog shit.
>> No. 14544

So, 'bout that most recent update.

"No, no wait, Merasmus lagged. Do-over!"
"Either I get your soul, or I get my soul! I am all [BLEEP] about souls tonight!"
"I'm in Wizard Heaven. Gandalf's here too. Because he dies in the book. I hope that spoils that for you. Oh, and Harry Potter's here too."

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14431 No. 14431 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
(pic unrelated)


Miss Pauling is gay, and the fanboys are pissed.

To quote the Heavy: "Bah ha ha ha! Cry some more!"
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>> No. 14444
File 143676507551.png - (20.50KB , 736x278 , LOL-I-TROLL-YOU006507.png )

>uses "queerbaiting"
>is told it's dumb and gay

Yeah, okay.
>> No. 14473
I check up on this place and uh. I knew there was a good reason why I left
>> No. 14477
Haha yeah anon, it's been extra salty in general around here lately.

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14449 No. 14449 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
ITT: Funny experiences. Posts are go.
>> No. 14460
File 143875877147.gif - (1.90MB , 648x368 , conganado5.gif )
joined a random workshop map server with some friends and the server's admin decided it was grappling hook time

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14419 No. 14419 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
only posting this here because they decided to delete everything. tbh it was the "i can do what i want on my blog :D" that made me save the pics
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>> No. 14454
>> No. 14455
They're defending fictional non-con. Not real rape. And they're one individual. I don't agree with them. Rape, even in fiction, makes me uneasy. I wrote a noncon fic for drama once, and people thought it was hot. It made me so goddamn uneasy.

1. They commissioned someone to write a heterosexual Heavy/Pauling fic long before she was outed as gay. The person is merely filling out their commission.

2. She's just a fictional character. They all are. Medic's canonically possibly with a woman, and so is Heavy, and every fic I've read consistently portrays them as 100% gay, and repulsed by the idea of sex with a woman.

3. It's great to have shows with more diversity and so on, and I support it, but at the end of the day, none of this shit actually affects the real world. At all. Ever. No amount of gay porn or trans headcanons stops trans people from being brutally murdered, or gay people from being disowned by their families. That's the kind of shit that actually affects the real world.

4. Valve are such pathological liars that it's a good chance she's heterosexual. They deliberately say things to piss people off and give them false hope.
>> No. 14456


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14427 No. 14427 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Anyone wanna add me on Steam by the way?
My profile's at steamcommunity.com/id/medicphisto if anyone is interested in adding me.
>> No. 14428
I tend to only add people I've known for awhile and/or have several multiplayer games in common with.

A lot of the people I've added who were strangers talked to me maybe once three years ago. I've become a little more hesitant since then. Apologies.

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14417 No. 14417 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
C'mon, Valve, I wanna play a little death tag. Maybe even drop some more of my hard earned dosh into buying keys hats tickets stuff. So why does the game have an aneurysm and stop displaying graphics every time I try to play?

Halp me, TF2chan-kenobi!
>> No. 14734
I don't get any "dreaded black screen of death"

Must be a problem with you

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14063 No. 14063 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Fellow denizens of TF2chons and lurkers alike, let us be making something. We've got talented authors and artists and people from all kinds of niches - so how would you all feel about banding together to produce a thing?

I've personally got a few ideas that I thought would work as collaboration projects, but to start maybe I'll just outline the ones that will work well as first attempts:

Ghost Stories from 2fort
Or something equally halloweeny and hilarious to gear everyone up for the upcoming(?) Halloween update. Authors could be paired up with artists, completing spreads that can then be bound together as the one publication. Plenty of room here for prompts, silliness, art, models, designers, etc. Only problem I can see with this one is we have less than a month to pull it off.

The Twelve Days of Smissmas
Like above, but gearing up for Smissmas instead.

The Teufort Reader classifieds/articles
Nice and simple, we just need hilarious little classifieds, a smattering of illustrations/models, all bundled up in a nice old-timey newspaper format. For examples, check out:

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>> No. 14254
With SpyTech as his fairy godcompany, granting him the disguise kit so he can go as the prettiest merc of them all to the annual Mann Co Ballsy Dance Bullshit Event?
>> No. 14337
I won't be able to run GhostFort again this year, for... many reasons. Sorry to anyone who may have been hoping for another.
If anyone is keen on doing it this year, I'm more than happy to exchange the materials I made for the last one.

Wasn't really sure of where to put this, so I figure here was as good as any, aheh
>> No. 14389
Idea: For Valentine's Day, let's do a genfic/gen art celebration. We get a lot of ship art all year round, but romantic love isn't the only type of love that exists.

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