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File 132140308288.jpg - (102.08KB , 800x600 , 125883399632.jpg )
10131 No. 10131 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Did you notice how the Ubercharge lasted 40 second in the movie for Heavy, and lasts 20 seconds in the game (split between two people)? I thought that was interesting.

Pic Unrelated, I just love it. Artist?
8 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 10153
Or maybe we're just seeing from inside the fridge because it makes for an interesting video, hearing the action instead of seeing it, and not the spy.
>> No. 10163
>assuming there is only a single fridge in any base.

MTS probably took place in the mess hall while MTM was obviously in the infirmary
>> No. 10170
of course, which is probably why MtS probably wasnt in the spy's POV.

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9170 No. 9170 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
What are your least favorite things to see in TF2 Fanfic/Fanart?

Mine for fanart would have to be Characters drawn in the Anime style that depict the classes as these impossibly young people with Anime-ish faces and/or bodies. It just makes me want to make the "Mr. Ick" face. For fanfic, fanfic of similarly anime-ish characters that are having crossteam romances... and the Administrator never catches on or tries to do anything about it... Hello, Canon, people!

A separate pet peeve is inter-team romances/sex between genderswapped classes with no mention of prophylactics or birth control. I just find that makes me want to beat someone over the head with Solly's entrenching tool. Way to make your female character lose their, ahem, girlish figure...
153 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 10130
File 132139772744.jpg - (8.56KB , 258x195 , admin.jpg )
Friendly neighborhood Admin stepping in.

I'm going to be frank and say a couple things to everyone. Get the fuck along, get over the butthurt, no your ass will not be patted, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but you are NOT entitled to be making ad hominems and needlessly attacking other people over their opinions.

This thread allowed people to express their opinions and have frank discussions over those opinions civilly. However, a few of you decided the thread was in the wrong because someone, somewhere might have their delicate sensibilities hurt. Grow up, be the bigger person and pull up your pants and get over it. For fuck sakes.

Also, there's a rule that has seemed to have been forgotten.

Rule 8: Do not create drama. See a post you dislike? You have three options:
a. If it breaks the rules, click the tick-box next to the poster’s name, scroll to the bottom of the page, type a reason in the "Reason" field and then click the "Report" button. Do not respond to it.
b. If it does not break the rules but offends your delicate sensibilities, ignore it.
c. Calm yourself down. Take a deep breath, count to 10, release. Go for a walk if you need to - just don't post stupidly in response to it.
>> No. 10142
If it helps, I can make a new thread with a less contentious title. Yes, as the OP, I have been trying to stay out of this, but If I changed "Fantard" to "Fanon", would that be better?

And Serain, I get that not everyone feels the same about certain kinks. I get upset about rape and Child abuse. The sarcasm was an attempt to be funny about the specter of pregnancy among genderbent classes. It was not an attempt to go "Oh, look at these people, they SO HORRIBLE!" I admit to having a problem with tone, I am a bit Asperger's, so I don't always get tone, either in myself or others. I am trying to get better about it, but I don't always think about how what I am saying comes across.Sometimes, I don't get it until much, much later. Sometimes, I don't get it at all.

Not trying to excuse myself, just to explain.
>> No. 10147

Really the only problem I see is maybe the use of "Fantard". Otherwise, there's nothing being said in the actual content of the OP and the rest of the thread in it's entirety that suggests one group of fans are better than another. If anything it just shows the diversity with all fans. The culture of TF2chan has shifted and it's obvious to me that it's users are not the callous assholes people keep thinking they are. In fact, I have more faith in TF2chan users than I do in other websites. And really, people shouldn't be taking something someone said on the internet not specifically directed at them so personally. It's really okay. No one has been trying to make anyone out as being inferior, just not sharing one's personal taste.

So yeah, I'll close this thread now, but someone is welcome to start a similar one again. You guys were doing fine as far as I can see, even if I disagreed with some of the things being said, nothing ever felt like an outright attack against anything except the concepts.

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9562 No. 9562 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I woke up to this Press Release in my inbox this morning and thought I'd share it with you all.


What: Valve Presents Signing With Michael Avon Oeming, Andrea Wicklund, Ted Kosmatka, and Bay Raitt
Where: Hollywood TFAW - 4133 NE Sandy Blvd. Portland, OR 97214
When: Saturday, November 12 from 7-10 pm.

October 19, 2011, Portland OR--Things From Another World (TFAW) welcomes creators from video game giant Valve Games to their Portland, Oregon location November 12 from 7-10 p.m. Join Michael Avon Oeming (Powers), Andrea Wicklund, Ted Kosmatka, and Bay Raitt as they debut Valve Presents: The Sacrifice and Other Steam-Powered Stories from Dark Horse Comics, and purchase your copy before the official release date of November 16. Not only will guests enjoy complimentary food and beer (with valid ID), but also free in-store console and PC gaming courtesy of Ground Kontrol, Old Town Computers, and Valve. Plus, attendees can enter to win an original piece of Oeming's artwork from the book!

For 15 years, Valve has defined the cutting edge of video games. Now Valve joins Dark Horse Comics to bring three critically acclaimed, fan-favorite series to print in a hardcover collection of comics based on Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress, and Portal. With more than 200 pages of story, Valve Presents: The Sacrifice and Other Steam-Powered Stories is a must-read for fans looking to further explore the games they love, or comics readers interested in dipping their toes into new mythos!

"There's a lot of overlap between comics and video game fans in Portland," said TFAW Senior Director of Retail Operations Andrew McIntire. "Our Valve signing is going to be the perfect storm of these two media--plus, we're really stoked about including on-site gaming into the mix."

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
14 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 10098
Is it just me or does Chell have a goatee in the picture?
>> No. 10111
I think it's just awkward shading.
>> No. 10118
File 132132898029.png - (49.12KB , 480x480 , 13210645251.png )
Really, you guys?

Obviously, it's Chell's evil twin from an alternate dimension, Mell.

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10054 No. 10054 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

>We learned that intruders obtained access to a Steam database in addition to the forums. This database contained information including user names, hashed and salted passwords, game purchases, email addresses, billing addresses and encrypted credit card information. We do not have evidence that encrypted credit card numbers or personally identifying information were taken by the intruders, or that the protection on credit card numbers or passwords was cracked. We are still investigating.

>We don’t have evidence of credit card misuse at this time. Nonetheless you should watch your credit card activity and statements closely.
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>> No. 10059
File 132098570639.jpg - (25.69KB , 211x242 , homerDrool.jpg )
Mmm...hashed and salted passwords...

I'm not too worried about it since most of my Steam transactions go through Papal, but I will give my credit union a heads up in the morning, just in case.

It's just nice to see somebody encrypts their information, unlike some other video game companies.
>> No. 10060
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There's thread about it in reddit:

I definitely wouldn't want to be jmccaskey now.

captcha: 251 arryan, wtf?
>> No. 10062
For fuck sake.

My payment method appears to have been deleted from my account, I hope to god that was Steam.

No. 5168 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
  Now we've got the tools for it and all, why don't we have a Replay thread separate from the video thread, where we may bump up our views to get the achievements celebrate our twenty second captures of snatched glory/embarrassing demise?

I was the Engie in this one.
100 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7236
  stab stab stab
>> No. 10034
  I know this thread is hella old, but I figured that it would be best to post here rather than make a new thread.

So, uhm, yeah. Robots. From the future.
>> No. 10051

Oh man, I actually couldn't stop myself laughing at the slow-mo ending. It needs a techno remix.

On a similar note, have some resounding nom. (It's old, and I forgot to post it when it happened. Totally unplanned, too)

File 131913783395.png - (274.17KB , 663x741 , Spy_Ghastlier_Gibus.png )
9578 No. 9578 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
>implying that the gibus isn't [b]the[b] best all-class hat.
seriously though, it's a way underrated hat just because everyone has one.
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>> No. 10016
if this gets in, then it's the best all-class hat
>> No. 10023
For some reason, i expected the "ghastlierest" style to be something special, like a gibus with haunted ghost or a gibus like top hat with fancy halloween decorations and creepy shit, but no... a fucking eye looking from under the lid
>> No. 10049
I think the eye is cute myself.

No. 10031 Locked hide watch quickreply [Reply]
  you not only ban me without warning, but threaten to permaban me? Not to mention you seem to be implying I've posted on that subject before. (God forbid we should have any sort of discussion on dis) Forgive me if it sounds like you're just pissy because you disagree.

>> No. 10032
File 132089503982.gif - (485.18KB , 193x135 , 132016367357.gif )
You're really making a good argument for yourself, son, I'll tell ya h'wut.
>> No. 10033
YOU haven't posted about the subject before but it has been discussed before and discussion about Nazis on the chan and the internet devolve into drama fests. I've seen it happen time and time again, and you seriously just evaded your ban, so guess what? That's a permaban.

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10017 No. 10017 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
>Implying Medic wasn't meant to be a nazi and they only "word of god"ed it away because people would be offended.

(Implying that this argument hasn't been done before)
3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 10024
heavy is a communist (with hammer and sickle logo on almost every f****ng thing iron crtain, and pilotka), and communism has killed more innocent people than nazism has. Ok, nazies are bad, and communism is accetable, fine by me if its to all of you.
Why can't people understand what OP is tryilng to imply: A man at the age of mid 30s - 40s, lives in late 1960s, a german, a mad scientist, so isnt it quite obvious that he could be a nazi? How stupid is that to understand, and if he is, whats the friggin "evil" side to accept it?! Deal with it
>> No. 10025
I think he may be a parody of Josef Mengele (or a similar doctor) myself. The nazism kinda comes as a bi-product in that theory...
The Solemn Vow should have been a statue of Nietzsche, not Hippocrates. it would have been better
>> No. 10026
File 132085538983.jpg - (100.37KB , 500x299 , 54e1efeb_howaboutno.jpg )
Ya know what. NO.We are not doing this thread. Frankly I'm tired of TF2fandom trying to justify Medic as a Nazi/ex-Nazi. I will have to start banning folk who keep bringing this up. It's a stupid argument based on opinion and not fact, when the fact is that the word of Valve says he's not. Case closed. Done. Bring it up again and you're permabanned.

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9690 No. 9690 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
There can be only one.. of each class!

Hey guys, ETF2L is starting off another Community Challenge! All weapons are allowed, but set hats are banned, and the season will only last five weeks. Valve will also be handing out in-game rewards to everybody that plays this short season.

If you have a team and are looking for more people, or are searching for a team to join. Then go ahead and post in this thread!

Starting off, I'm kicking Team Mantrain back into gear for the community challenge. Everybody of all skill levels are invited to join this group of friends and channers to have a blast. We're currently looking for a main Pyro, Engineer, Sniper and Spy. And we're looking for plenty of subs for all classes!
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>> No. 9970

nah I'm not NA, don't wanna scrim, just single friendly duels with people from my div
>> No. 9998
Ah, that'd be pretty hard to do since it looks like you're fighting NA peeps. I hear scheduling is a bitch. Good luck!

In other news, I've got myself a pretty bitchin' roster.
>> No. 9999

It's actually easier, other Europeans want to scrim during the evening and we're usually out. Matches against Americans make us play in the middle of the night/early morning, and we're more than okay with that, since it's after going out and before work.

File 132052854173.png - (42.94KB , 250x137 , RED_Crusader\'s_Crossbow.png )
9981 No. 9981 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Have a bit of a problem here.

A friend of mine found a strange crusader's crossbow and gave it to me. I managed to rack up 27 kills with the thing, but it's name hasn't changed. Right now it should be at scarecly lethal.
>> No. 9985
Have you actually been checking it's name in the backpack?

I didn't even notice my flamethrower's latest name-changes until I checked, since they disabled that annoying popup that happened every time someone's weapon leveled up.
>> No. 9993
File 132055751863.jpg - (762.53KB , 1024x768 , Koala.jpg )
You are both in violation of apostrophe abuse.
Koala is not pleased.

Also, try linking your backpack so we can see.

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